A clear Aquarius speaker sitting on top of a guitar amp.

How we use SKAA in our own office

We like gear. A LOT.

It's no secret that we spend a bunch of time around our own gear. From the R&D departments to Marketing, using and playing with our gear on the daily is one of our greatest strengths. By doing so, we've come up with some crazy solutions. Here's a couple of our favorites, complete with diagrams and how-tos. 


Phil's Office

My own personal office audio setup features a streamlined 2.1 system, integrating the Death From Below subwoofer and a pair of Cerwin-Vega SB6 speakers. This high-end audio setup is ideal for daily use, whether editing videos or recording voiceovers. (Or even just blasting music while I write this blog!)

The biggest thing here is that when you buy a pair of SB6's, you DO get a Hub and Satellite speaker. So why not use the Hub instead of the Ursula? Well, it mainly comes down to my workflow and how often I'm bringing gear in and out for videos. Being able to use SKAA cmd with the Ursula is HUGE for me personally. That way, I can turn off any of the monitors, sub or headphones and quickly throw up a Soundboks or pair of Aquarius if I need them to film a video with! 


The Breakroom

Every day at lunch is Melee time - except on Fridays. That's when we play Mario Kart. But every day we're using 2 Aquarius, and combining past and future by using an ancient CRT TV. Since the Wii only has RCA outs, all it take is a dual RCA to 3.5mm converter and we can get our audio into the Akiko Pro no problem. And OF COURSE we need SKAA Pro so that people can hit their wave dashes 100% of the time ;)

Ready to upgrade your own setup? Explore our full range of high-end audio gear and find the perfect solution for your needs.

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